Get ready for a transformative experience of a very special kind: This exclusive and interactive event will get you fit for AI in no time. We not only provide you with an understanding of the technical basics of AI, but also delve deep into its practical relevance and identify its impact on your company and your industry.

What are the specific opportunities and challenges? What does best practice look like and which case studies can you actually learn from? And even more important: How do you develop a meaningful and company-wide consistent AI strategy and a both ethically and legally valid “AI Code of Conduct”?

Of course we won't present you with all of this in a brittle format. Instead you will be able to try out all common AI tools and technologies hands-on. In small groups, we will explore together what AI can do today and how it can be put to practical use. Does that make sense to you? Then don’t wait, get “AI fit” now. Because the AI ​​revolution has already begun...
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